Mauna Kea Education and Awareness – Ms. Foundation For Women Mauna Kea Education and Awareness – Ms. Foundation For Women

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Mauna Kea Education and Awareness

Mauna Kea Education and Awareness’ (MKEA) mission is to educate and raise the awareness of communities in Hawai’i and beyond on the spiritual, historical, cultural, environmental, and political significance of Mauna Kea and provide cultural learning opportunities to everyone from keiki to kupuna, residents, visitors, and others concerned about native and cultural rights and responsibilities in order to create a platform for the protection of sacred places and for social justice and positive change.

based in: Hawaii

a Girls of Color Initiative grantee partner

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Grantee Partner Spotlight: Mauna Kea Education and Awareness

November 1, 2022

Grantee Partner Spotlight: Mauna Kea Education and Awareness

MKEA’s mission is to educate and raise the awareness of communities in Hawai’i and beyond on the spiritual, historical, cultural, environmental, and political significance of Mauna Kea and provide cultural learning opportunities to everyone. MKEA is a FY21 Activist Collaboration & Care Fund grantee partner.

by Pua Case

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