Colectiva Feminista en Construcción – Ms. Foundation For Women Colectiva Feminista en Construcción – Ms. Foundation For Women

We build women’s collective power in the U.S.

Colectiva Feminista en Construcción

La Colectiva Feminista en Construcción is a grassroots feminist Puerto Rican organization led by Black queer women, following a long radical tradition of feminist, antiracist, anti-colonialist, and LGBTTIQ+ struggle resisting structural oppression and violence while achieving system change. We envision equity as distributions regarded as what’s fair, where fairness is based on doing justice to Black, Latinx, and immigrant communities, women and LGBTTIQ+ folks, and other historically marginalized groups.

based in: Puerto Rico

an Activist Collaboration & Care Fund grantee partner

1 Willoughby Square
Suite 2000
Brooklyn, NY 11201

212.742.2300 [email protected]

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