
We build women’s collective power in the U.S.

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Our Work Page Elements

We believe in a just and safe world where power and possibility are not limited by gender, race, class, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability or age.

We believe that equity and inclusion are the cornerstones of a true democracy in which the worth and dignity of every person are valued. At the Ms. Foundation, we work to bring attention to the real challenges facing women, especially women of color and low-income women who are living in poverty, working paycheck to paycheck or both. We tirelessly advocate for national and statewide policy change that will address these challenges, and we support more than 100 organizations throughout the country that are working for change on a grassroots level.

Grantmaking Initiatives

Ms. South

DEVS => you add the “open-grant” class to show the blue circle
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Activist Collaboration Fund

A single-year grant supporting transformational movement building to strengthen collaboration across organizations, learn with movement leaders, and increase investment in social justice movements across the country to build collective power.


Ms. South

Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.


Activist Collaboration Fund

A single-year grant supporting transformational movement building to strengthen collaboration across organizations, learn with movement leaders, and increase investment in social justice movements across the country to build collective power.


Events Listing (Landing Page)

Ms. on Martha’s

Aug. 10


5:30 – 7:00 PM EDT, West Tisbury, MA

President and CEO Teresa C. Younger will be ready with a cocktail and an update on the Ms. Foundation’s grantmaking and capacity building programs, which expanded to strengthen grantee partners during the pandemic year. Catch up with friends, have a cocktail, and get into a conversation about social justice!


Ms. on Martha’s

Aug. 10


5:30 – 7:00 PM EDT, West Tisbury, MA

President and CEO Teresa C. Younger will be ready with a cocktail and an update on the Ms. Foundation’s grantmaking and capacity building programs, which expanded to strengthen grantee partners during the pandemic year. Catch up with friends, have a cocktail, and get into a conversation about social justice!


Ms. on Martha’s

Aug. 10


5:30 – 7:00 PM EDT, West Tisbury, MA

President and CEO Teresa C. Younger will be ready with a cocktail and an update on the Ms. Foundation’s grantmaking and capacity building programs, which expanded to strengthen grantee partners during the pandemic year. Catch up with friends, have a cocktail, and get into a conversation about social justice!


Past Events

January 10, 2021

Annual Gala: The Gloria Awards

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September 9, 2021

Women + Power: Economic Power

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November 28, 2021

Ms. Foundation’s YPAC Happy Hour

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Press Room Page Elements

Ms. Foundation in the News

July 17, 2021

January 18, 2021

Press Room Page Elements

Press Releases & Statements

September 28, 2021

International Safe Abortion Day

Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident.

Ms. Foundation Statement

September 28, 2021

International Safe Abortion Day

Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident.

Ms. Foundation Statement

September 28, 2021

Announcing Five New Board Members

Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident.

Press Release

June 17, 2021

SCOTUS Decision in Fulton v. City of Philadelphia

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Press Release

Insights Listing

This follows the same pattern as the Press Listing (featured & rest of list)

Grantee Profile – Top of Page Elements

Beauty Marks for Girls

A leadership program for girls whose mothers are incarcerated. We want to fuel every young girl’s dream of success and break the cycle of generational incarceration.

based in: South Carolina

A Ms. South grantee partner

Staff Teaser

Name Lastname

Name of Org

Name Lastname

Name of Org

Name Lastname

Name of Org

Person Profile Page Elements

Teresa C. Younger

President and CEO

Teresa C. Younger is an activist, advocate, renowned public-speaker, organizational strategist, and a proven leader in the philanthropic and policy sectors. Having spent over 20 years on the frontlines of some of the most critical battles for comprehensive equity and the elimination of institutionalized oppression, she now serves as the President and CEO of the Ms. Foundation for Women.

Prior to joining the Ms. Foundation for Women, Younger served as the executive director of the Connecticut General Assembly’s Permanent Commission on the Status of Women and as executive director of the ACLU of Connecticut — the first African American and the first woman to hold that position.
Younger is a thought leader at the critical intersections of gender and race. Within the philanthropic sector she serves on initiatives to shape and change the narrative of women and girls, including Grantmakers for Girls of Color, Funders for Reproductive Equity, Philanthropy New York and Black Funders for Social Justice.
Additionally, Younger serves on a number of boards including the Ethel Walker School and Essie Justice Group.

She has appeared on MSNBC’s UP with David Gura, NBC News, NPR Radio, Elle Magazine, Cosmopolitan, SiriusXM, and in USA Today, AP, Rewire, podcast and the New York Times.
Younger is a graduate of the University of North Dakota and was awarded an Honorary Doctorate of Letters in Humanities from the University of New Haven in 2018. She is also a proud lifetime Girl Scout and Gold Award recipient.

Ms. Midwest

In launching our Midwest portfolio, our hope is to uplift what we know to be true: that funding and resourcing multi-issue movement-building work led by women, girls, and gender-expansive people of color is a winning strategy in the Midwest and beyond.


Asian Women Giving Circle

The ASIAN WOMEN GIVING CIRCLE (AWGC) is the first and largest giving circle in the nation led by Asian American women.


Birth Justice Initiative

Seeks to support and grow a stronger U.S. movement for birth justice and to reduce racially-based health disparities such as maternal mortality for Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC) who identify as women.


Safety, Health, and Economic (S.H.E.)

An integrated, cross-movement strategy to advance women’s safety, health and economic justice.


Ms. South

Ms. South is a multi-year grantmaking strategy to build power for Women and Girls of Color (WGOC). We amplify the leadership of WGOC and support the sustainability of the ecosystem of organizations.


Activist Collaboration & Care Fund

Supports transformational movement building to strengthen collaboration across organizations, learn with movement leaders, and increase investment in social justice movements across the country to build collective power.


Girls of Color Initiative

Funds, researches and increases resources and support for organizations throughout the country that are girl-led or girl-centered.


Building Connections Initiative

A powerful multiplier effect happens when leaders from different sectors and social movements agree to advance a collective set of values and goals as part of a collaborative approach to achieving more significant collective impact.


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